This morning before going to work at World Radio I wanted to let you know one more time what a great God we serve! He provides what we need when we need it! Yesterday, I left work early, around noon, to go to the church at Calhoun. My purpose was to serve and encourage Cindy and her family at Brad's Memorial service. My heart is so touched by these precious children that are left behind after Brad's death Sunday morning. One of them is in my Bible class on Sunday morning and he is so very precious! All of Cindy's children touch my heart...I prayed for Cindy and her children this morning and of course I've prayed for Mark - the brother to Brad that is recovering from multiple broken bones from the car accident.
Another family there at the Calhoun church has children about the same age as Cindy and Brad's...of course they are friends and I guess what rings true is how God has used this tragedy that was meant for evil in to something good. Of course there are many bad things that come from the loss of a dear husband, father and friend but...how God moves and works among us in difficult times gives all of us hope.
What I mean by that is yesterday when we all met together to take care of Cindy and family at the memorial service you could see that God's love was evident! Many of our church family showed up to serve, we had plenty of food and everyone worked together beautifully! Everyone there considered others more important than themselves...there was unity and peace with all of us making every effort to serve Cindy, her family and friends that had come to give respect to Brad and comfort to his family that is left behind.
So out of tragedy comes the visible peace and love of God... we don't mourn as those in the world without hope, we mourn with assurance that we'll see Bradley again...he'll meet us at the gate of heaven when we all get there. Praise God for his mercy and grace! God is good and he is good all the time! Have a blessed day, love, Jo Gower