Hugh and I feel blessed to have two sons; they are grown, married and have children of their own. Last week was such a joy! We went to Little Rock on Paul's birthday...took him a cake and enjoyed wishing him a happy day.
Paul & Schell had asked us to come for a few days to take care of Noah, our grandson, while they made a trip to Boston to celebrate Paul's birthday with friends. It was a great blessing for us and as any grandmother would say...he is the best grandson in the world! We had such fun taking care of him. At this time Noah is 3 months old and he is so good.
Pop, Noah and I had great conversations together, exercised together. We had time to go outside to see the flowers and birds; stroll in the neighborhood and read books together; sing songs together too! Needless to say we were excited! It was a great week.
At the risk of sounding "religious" I must add that it was a week of praying, answered prayers and blessings from above. Our Lord Jesus was so good to us; he posted angels at every corner of Noah's home. We were well protected and so were Paul and Schell. Their trip to Boston and back was safe. Bad weather was to come in that would interfere with their arrival on Sunday but the Lord answered that prayer with a postive answer too...the weather held off that would have stopped their flying out of Chicago on to Little Rock. Hugh and I offered many thanksgiving prayers for all the good time we had and the protection that God gave all of us.
When you look into the eyes of a little one it can renew your own outlook on life that there is hope, love, joy and peace. It can stop the negative and bring out the positive of life! At least with Noah he showed Pop and I a new world...a renewed perspective of innocense and a inquisitive mind to look at things as though they were brand new!
We were not only blessed but we also learned some important lessons from Noah! For one we learned you can be happy even when you don't always get your way. Also, it doesn't really matter what you look like but it is more important what you are on the inside. If we adults could ever learn to love the way Noah loved us, he did not care what we looked like or what clothes we wore. He wasn't concerned if we were in the right country club or even the right church. He just loved us right where we are! Wow, if we as Christians could love people that way...this would display the true love of Christ.
It is hard to comprehed how Christ could humble himself and come down here as a baby...totally dependent on his earthly mom and dad to give him what he needed to grow up.
When I looked at Noah and realized what trust he had in Pop and I to supply his needs while Mom and Dad were gone for a couple of days it reminded me that I am to trust God just like Noah trusts us. Completely relaxed trust; he didn't worry about anything...he was sure that we would give him everything he needed. Jesus has told us that we are not to worry about anything but trust in Him.
Life has a way of either teaching us or reminding us of the Love of God. We can learn it the easy way or the hard way. I'm thankful that Noah has taught us that it is much easier when we trust rather than worry. Thanks my dear grandson for these lessons! Pop and Gigi love you Noah!!!