Through Prayer….Daily Putting on God’s Armor:
Heavenly Father, Your Warrior prepares for Battle.
Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God!
Lord, I give you my will; submit today to your will; I give you my body, mind and soul. Oh Lord you are in control of me today. I give up myself; my selfishness to you oh God in heaven. I pray for protection around my mind; may I take every thought captive for Christ. Christ does not give me a spirit of fear but a spirit of peace and a sound mind that I am thinking clearly about my walk with You – Oh God YOU are my shelter and provider… YOU are my friend in a dark world - --YOU shed the light of peace upon me…no matter what I go through today You and I together can face it together because you live in me. The very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me and because of that I know where my strength comes from. Thank you Jesus!
I put on the breastplate of righteousness! May it guard my heart from evil so I will remain pure and Holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Christ Jesus for what you did for me on the cross; taking my sins; sufferings and diseases to the cross. May I be a welcoming environment for Your leading in my life today. Thank you for the victory you’ve provided over Satan.
By Faith I bind up myself in Your Truth; may my life today be motivated by truth; my heart love truth. May I be motivated by what is righteous (right) and refuse that which is evil. Thank you for the imputed righteousness of Christ. May I stand firm in the truth of your word so I will not become a victim of Satan’s lies.
By Faith I put on the shoes of peace. May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through me and be a light to all I encounter. Today may I be a peace maker not a trouble maker.
By Faith I take up the shield of Faith; may I trust your word today and not add any fuel to Satan’s darts. Thank you that I can go into this day without fear. Make me ready for Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, denial and deceit so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.
By Faith I put on the Helmet of Salvation; may I have my mind focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts; may I remember today that Jesus is coming again; help me to live in the future tense.
By Faith I take up the Sword of the Spirit! May the two-edged sword of Your Word be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan. Protect my mind from discouragement and despair. Fill my mind with your swords (Rhema –personal word from God through His Word and the Holy Spirit through prayer).
By Faith I have put on the armor of God today; may this be a day of victory!
In Jesus Name AMEN
JoGoPray, my blog journal about prayer, life and family. Jo is my middle name, Go is the beginning of my last name, and Pray of course reminds me God wants conversation with us.
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