But after Adam and Eve sinned, God had to “close” the Garden of Eden so to speak.
No longer would life be easy.
At that time the first couple on earth began living in a broken world, due to sin.
Now, we live on earth, that broken earth, but my hope comes alive every time I think of Jesus teaching what and how to pray. (Matthew 6:9-15 NIV).
The part that touches me deeply is “thy will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN “.
In heaven there are no problems communicating, no illness, no injustice, no discouragement.
Jesus himself is teaching us to call “heaven living”, down to our “earth- broken living”.
Do we get this?
Jesus The Son of God says it’s possible to communicate with Him, ask Father God to bring His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Are you up today for some “living in heaven” now....make the WORD-FLESH here and now...
Holy Father, you alone are worthy to be praised!
Thank you for who you are!
We join our hearts with you we pray your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Help us today to show others how to live as though we are in heaven.
Help us to treat others the way we would treat them in heaven.
Your word guides us: “treat others the way you want to be treated”.
Heaven living looks like we Love each other, serve each other.
Holy Spirit thank you for living in us, may we be a welcoming environment so we can walk by the Spirit, not by the flesh.
In other words, we walk in Christ, as vessels of reconciliation between people and you, dear Holy Father.
In Jesus name, by the power of His Resurrection and help of the Holy Spirit,