We want to obey God:
As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you. – 1Samuel 12:23a
With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints – Ephesians 6:18Prayer was the priority in Jesus’ life: Over physical rest – Luke 6:12 Over social activity; Jesus goes off by himself to be with the Father – Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35-36; Luke 5:16 Over His physical appetite; withdrawing from physical food to release spiritual power – Luke 4:2; Matt. 6:18, 25, 31Jesus did not pray because he had to but because he wanted to be:
1. Obedient to the Father – Phil. 2:8-10
2. In unity with the Father – John 17:9-ff
3. Jesus’ prayer life was a “lifestyle”; authorized to do the Fathers’ will.
a. Matt. 17:21; Luke 6:12
b. 1Thess. 5:17
c. Luke 11:1-ff
d. Luke 18:1
e. Luke 21:36
f. Luke 22:40-ffPray for World Radio Speakers {www.wfr.org} to be Christ-LikePray the Speakers will live honorably in every way…equip the radio listeners with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. – Hebrews 13:18-ff Pray the Speakers will be in total submission to our Father in Heaven – Hebrews 12:9-14Pray the Speakers and their families will have strong prayer lives – Acts 21:5; Acts 26:29; Rom. 8:26-ff; Eph. 6A suggested prayer for World Radio Speakers: O Lord God, I beseech you to give World Radio, both now and at all times, speakers and teachers after your own heart, {Psalm 119:2} those who shall bring the sheep of Christ into his fold, and feed them with saving knowledge and understanding from your Word.
Make every preacher of your Word know and always remember that he who plants is nothing, nor he who waters, but you are all in all, who alone can give the increase.
Let none of them vainly depend on their skill and ability to do any good and obtain any success by their preaching on the radio, but let them all humbly look to you for grace and help that will enable them to dispense the Word of Life. May your blessing render their preaching happily successful to the souls of those who hear them? Amen
Adapted from a prayer of August Hermann Francke (1725)