The song "Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus" is in my heart!
JoGoPray, my blog journal about prayer, life and family. Jo is my middle name, Go is the beginning of my last name, and Pray of course reminds me God wants conversation with us.
Monday, September 20, 2021
The song "Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus" is in my heart!
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
My mother was the kindest, strongest Christian woman I ever knew.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Michelle J. Goff Interviews Jo Gower
WHO ARE THESE LADIES? Michelle is IRSM Founder, Executive Director, Author, International Speaker, please spend time at her website.
Jo Gower, is a work in progress for Jesus, a wife, mother, grandmother, in the season of life now that requires "retreading" rather than "retiring". I love my family with all my heart! Please see my interview by Michelle.
Michelle: Jo Gower is one of IRSM’s Prayer Warriors and friends. She is passionate about prayer and hopes to encourage everyone to deepen their relationship with God and one another through prayer.
Jo, please tell us a little about yourself and your family.
In my teenage years I asked the Lord for a husband that would have a heart for God. My prayers began being answered when Hugh and I met, then married in 1972. Before marriage, we agreed that Christ would be the head of our family and the center of our home. Even though we were not perfect in living this principle, it grounded us and gave us a foundation through the good, the bad and the ugly, Ha! It’s called ‘life.’ Though the years if both of us had not matured in Christ, we wouldn’t be married today. We both are ever grateful that God gave us each other to sharpen as iron sharpens iron.
You have been an awesome advocate for prayer at the Downtown Church of Christ and wherever you have lived and served. Why is prayer such an important part of your life?
There is a fundamental principle of spiritual power: to be mightily used by God is totally dependent on how much time we spend with the Lord. Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray; to receive what His Father wanted Jesus to be, do and receive in order for Jesus to do His Father’s will here on earth.
What does it mean to be a Prayer Warrior?
We can become a “Prayer Warrior” when we grasp the fact that as Christians we live in a different realm. Reality isn’t happening in the physical world as we see it, but rather in the heavenly realm.
“for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph. 6:12)
As a warrior, we are fighting the spiritual battle not to gain victory, but rather from the place of victory. Jesus already fought for us; the empty grave speaks volumes (1Cor. 15:1-4). We just need to walk with Christ through the victory lane He has provided, which is the path of prayer.
In Ephesians 6:10-23, God provides our armor, but He does not dress us; we have to put on the armor and quickly seal it in prayer, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Victory lane just widened! We are packaging the armor in prayer! We are praying because the victory has already been won.
“...and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:17-18 NIV)
To be a prayer warrior is to “watch and pray” (Luke 21:36).
Is there a Bible verse that has been impactful for you as a Prayer Warrior?
There are many Bible verses, but I’ll hold it to one. Mark 9:14-29, when the disciples could not heal a boy that was possessed by an impure spirit and Jesus healed him. They asked Jesus why they could not heal the boy and Jesus replied: “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29 NIV).
Is there anyone, like an Iron Rose Sister, who has had a significant impact in your life as a Prayer Warrior? Or someone who has been an example of a Prayer Warrior?
Michelle Goff is the most recent sister to impact my life; at a most crucial time too. Not long after leaving our home in West Monroe, LA moving to Searcy, she invited me to come to an IRSM small group study, “Called to Listen.” This group blessed me in connecting more deeply with God and sisters in Christ. I began to feel more at home in Searcy. Not only did Michelle impact my life, but her mother, Jocelynn Goff, did too. What great women of faith! Thank you for accepting me and pulling me into a great time of “iron sharpening iron.” I look forward to many more experiences with IRSM.
Within my life, several people influenced me in my prayer journey. Too many to list, but Hugh, my husband, and Keith, my brother, have made an enormous difference in my prayer life and my walk with Christ. We ministered together to begin the Calhoun School of Prayer, prayer enrichment seminars and prayer retreats in Calhoun, LA. Out of 30 years of prayer ministry (Acts 6:5), came Keith’s book called “Why God Waits for You to Pray.”
Was there an event or something that strengthened your dedication to prayer?
When we lived in the Kansas City, Missouri, area, Hugh and I went to a Prayer Seminar in Overland Park, Kansas conducted by Albert Lemmons. We had already been studying prayer, but this started us on a deeper commitment to pray. After many years, we were blessed to graduate from a 2-year study of the entire Bible in regard to prayer, “CrossView College of Prayer.”
What is the key to continuing a faithful life of prayer?
Prayer is not trying to twist God's arm to make Him do something. Prayer is living by faith, hanging out with Christ, and receiving what He has already done. Seeing how big God is, how good He is moment by moment, every moment of everyday. It's an attitude. Pray and meditate on the scriptures. Spending devotional time with God will allow the Holy to work in our lives. Joining prayer groups, connecting with other prayer warriors encourages us to stay focused.
What is one of your greatest testimonies as a Prayer Warrior?
In the Kansas City area, we worked for a local church; after a few years, we had to move. So we prayed first for wisdom. Then Hugh mailed out a few resumes. Meanwhile our home sold quickly. What do we do? Store our things, get an apartment and wait for a job or move in a U-Haul truck toward some of the places that were looking for a preacher? After much prayer, we decided to go visit his Mom and wait. There was no way for anyone to contact us personally (no cell phones, no internet or computers in those days). We loaded the truck, headed south.
So I’m saying to the Lord: “Okay so this will be a long drawn out wait! Churches are just too slow!” Then God brought to mind “think about me, “I AM” that sent Abraham with all his belongings on a journey, not knowing where he was going. I told him to leave but didn’t tell him exactly where I AM was sending him.” This gave me comfort during a difficult move.
When we arrived at his mother’s she said, “A man from the Church of Christ in Ferriday, Louisiana, wants you to call him, he’s been trying to contact you.” Hugh called him; next day drove to Ferriday, they hired him. And because we had not been paid the last 2 weeks, they hired us retroactively, so God took care of all our expenses of moving. Now that’s a God-wink!!! God is good! I had peace through the transition time because the great “I AM” brought to my mind that He sent and took care of His servant, Abraham. And would take care of us too. “The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, ...go to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1 (NLT)
Jo, thank you so much for sharing part of your stories and your insights. Thanks for trusting in the I AM, for Praying to the I AM and, also for being an IRSM Prayer Warrior!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
The song "Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus" is in my heart! What a great thought nothing can stand in our way, no battle scars ...

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By Hugh and Carolyn ‘Jo’ Gower Some time ago, Hugh and I had a small Bible Study Group on Monday night’s meeting in our home. We met to pray...
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